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Mercury, Pluto, Aquarius, Full Moon Kerrie Basha Mercury, Pluto, Aquarius, Full Moon Kerrie Basha

Snap Crackle Pop Prelude

This wild week arrives with an unmistakeable snap crackle and pop that will only ramp from here as we bound towards the Leo full moon roaring. More than expecting the unexpected from the already surreal, the next round of storms are designed to alter us forever. Radical by design, their power coiled inside shock value and sudden irrevocable change. Every little notch there is no going back from.

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Astrology, Aquarius, Pluto Kerrie Basha Astrology, Aquarius, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Sun Pluto Aquaria

In far less interesting times than these, the annual tête-à-tête between the sun king and our dark lord had a tendency to turn the tables. Happening now in the revolutionary portion of the zodiac, the annual meeting of Pluto and the sun generates a mighty force that ripples new truths through ageing power circuits, blowing all manner of fuses and wiring crossed by design.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Capricorn Damning

Today in the middle of storm and consequence, an important meeting is transpiring. In a world slavishly built on the false altar of eternal life and endless youth, the refused shadow curls around our ankles like a snake. Anaretica, thy name is transition. The fabled degree at the end of all the mansions holds change in its palm, throwing open a back door into something entirely different.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Pluto’s Power Glitching

The strange ripple in this day and the one after is more than the constant glitching of what once was matrix. It is something beyond regular programming and far below its cause and effect. And it has Pluto's spiny fingers all over it, tickling underbellies and shadows out of hiding.

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Pisces, Eclipse, Mars, Pluto Kerrie Basha Pisces, Eclipse, Mars, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Fight Clubbing

This guy is a walking community service announcement for the back end of this particular eclipse season and we all have Uncle Mars to thank for this. Our planet of Get Shit Done can fast turn into a war mongering trail of destruction when engaged the wrong way.

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