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Astrology, Urania Kerrie Basha Astrology, Urania Kerrie Basha

Urania Striking Direct

The outrageous glitching is more than just a herald of change. The constant shock horror one two isn't just an awful coincidence. Constant alarm bells are the calling card of Urania, clanging against all that remains sleeping in our souls. Waking us like our lives depend on it while concluding a feisty retrograde zapping the lot.

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Astrology, Aquarius, Pluto Kerrie Basha Astrology, Aquarius, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Sun Pluto Aquaria

In far less interesting times than these, the annual tête-à-tête between the sun king and our dark lord had a tendency to turn the tables. Happening now in the revolutionary portion of the zodiac, the annual meeting of Pluto and the sun generates a mighty force that ripples new truths through ageing power circuits, blowing all manner of fuses and wiring crossed by design.

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Astrology Kerrie Basha Astrology Kerrie Basha


Anaretica. The sharp threshold of change whose lore is unequivocal. Whose true name is destroyer. Whose point of no return drags fate over its falls. The bleeding edge of resistance, teetering at its own inevitability. The moment right before everything changes forever.

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Astrology, Venus Kerrie Basha Astrology, Venus Kerrie Basha

Venus in Pisces

Early days of this fledgling year and change keeps dragging us across fresh thresholds. Get used to it this year because nothing will end up unmoved or unchanged.

First sweet cab off the old rank is Venus who has arrived into Pisces, deep waters embracing its queen of stars like a lover returning.

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