Venus & Pluto in Capricorn

Image of Kylie Minogue - her Venus AND Pluto in Capricorn - in CHANEL by Will Davidson for Vogue Australia

Grateful as we may be for the ebbing away of that discerning lunar close up, there's no rest for the wicked. Not this week anyway. Claiming centre stage now as the lights dim are our lady Venus and Uncle Pluto, arm in arm in Capricornia.

Their tango reeks of power and passion. An unlikely pleasure state, their conjunction asks the big questions with no interest in superficial responses or love lite. This aspect can move mountains or obliterate them.

Since Venus moved beyond her bleeding retrograde through Scorpio badlands and found both truth and her longed for freedom in Saggilands, lady love is in take no shit mode. For what would be the point of that, darklings. Her newfound self control, presence of mind and responsibility for the state of her own heart renders her unable to be conquered.

Which of course appeals greatly to her Plutonian partner in crime. Interested this week in the power of relationship to transform and unafraid of cultivating a little chaos to push things along, Pluto is at the height of his effectiveness. He watched enthralled as Venus survived his home state, all the demons held in his lair and her underworld. He marvelled as she emerged transformed and rose anew. And now they dance.

Do not be fooled by her reserve, nor his control. This steely combination will set pulses racing and blood to boil. It is compulsive and can veer into dangerously obsessive territory. Watch it for the intense magnification of our relationship playing field it offers and note sagely.

The end goal is transformation. The mood du jour is evolutionary. As Venus and Pluto tango, the vibe is intense and best co-opted as fuel for your desires. Not all dreams are built on sugar and spice.

Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019


Types Two


A Very Modern Scarytale