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Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha Eclipse, Dark Moon Kerrie Basha

Eclipse Simultaneity

When it comes to spirit animals, Miss Piggy has a place in my pantheon. As she rightly articulated this week - and I respectfully paraphrase - we fight to hold on and oh my giddy aunt how hard we fight to simply let go. Held fast as we are in the syrupy thick of the dark moon, we are now painfully brutally aware of all that eclipse season has excised from our lives.

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Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha Eclipse, New Moon, Aquarius, Leo Kerrie Basha

Nodal Shapeshifting

Reset button anyone?

If your last month / eclipse experience has resembled a steaming pile of revolution, the wishing moon on the horizon is the antidote to your malaise. The fresh air of the Aquarius new moon is a partial solar eclipse, partner of the Leo harbinger and finale to Eclipse-A-Tron, as well as the lunar new year. This is a powerful portal in which to craft your brave new world.

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