Nodal Shapeshifting
Reset button anyone?
If your last month / eclipse experience has resembled a steaming pile of revolution, the wishing moon on the horizon is the antidote to your malaise. The fresh air of the Aquarius new moon is a partial solar eclipse, partner of the Leo harbinger and finale to Eclipse-A-Tron, as well as the lunar new year. This is a powerful portal in which to craft your brave new world.
Well may we arrive here a shuddering mess, scarred by our eclipse ride. No matter. Eclipsia is always a wild ride. Your tattered clothes and torn skin yet marks the relinquishing that has shoved you firmly back in your own corner whilst making unsought space for the new and wonderful.
Tomorrow’s syzygy will be eclipsing the south node of the moon, also currently in Aquarius. Nodal astrology is believed to speak to the continuing journey of our soul. The South Node denotes how you arrived in this life and what you already bring to the table. It can also be where what you think you know about yourself is holding you back from evolving. Transformation is an inside job.
The sense that the South Node is left behind for greener pastures in the North is spectacularly unhelpful. The integration of our past with our beckoning future is key. Knowledge is cumulative. We are here to build upon what we have learned and refine or broaden it, continually. Our past ever lives within us, no matter how much we try to lock it in a box and hurl it to the back of the cupboard. Our lives are constant learning: once you know better, you can always do better.
The maverick energy of the Aquarian new moon eclipse is the perfect start line as the shapeshifting we have each been navigating – flailing or sailing through or both at once – begins to make uncommon sense. Mercury snuggled up to the moon delivers strong support to our communications with others. And because collaboration necessarily speaks to relationships, this new moon has the potential to reinvent what and who and how we love and live with others. Revolution right now, ready or not.
Sound like a lot? It is, but in a great way. My elegant little new moon ritual is up now. May it slingshot you into the life of your dreams, darklings.
Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2018