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Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha

A Tale of Two Weekends

This weekend tells a tale of two cities, distinct in form and function, beholden only to their sphere of influence. You probably already know which is having its way with you and all in your sightlines by the stark difference in experience.

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Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha

Pisces Depth Dive

As Aquaria's wake leaves a trail of stars for us all to collect later, Pisces season rushes in to drag us over its falls. This year delivering inexorable evolution through eclipse and retrograde, threshold and dissolution, its riptides already pulling us in. The ides of March have the old world in their thrall already as its extinction lip curls and snarls.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Depth Charge

Depth charge, anyone? Pisces season arrives now, inconveniently ensconced between the Aquarian search party on the hunt for something truer and Aries' cauterising of the old world in service of the future. Resilience building in the grift betwixt all the 'cides colliding and oblivion. The ever present threat of delusion and subtefuge disturbing what once passed for peace.

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Pisces, Saturn Kerrie Basha Pisces, Saturn Kerrie Basha

Saturn Transits

Saturn's move into Pisces less than an hour after the Virgo full moon exacts next week is undeniably a big deal. His anaretic squat in Aquaria has been keenly felt, its heavy weight reinforcing the themes of the transit while nodding to what lies just across the border.

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Pisces, Skyweather Kerrie Basha Pisces, Skyweather Kerrie Basha

Pisces Auroras

More than a week into the mythical mutable realms and we are being relentlessly dazzled by the skies of the farthest reaches. Auroras have been blazing across a wide band from both poles, even further afield since Pisces arrived promising the next big things.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Pisces Waiting Room

You have arrived to the Pisces waiting room and all that bobs patiently in its fertile pond of dreams. Here we sit in odd solitude biding time and tides and waiting for the big change we feel coming deep in our marrow. Bones worn weary by a world chewing its own arm off in spite and a revolution of the species that will no longer broker refusal.

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Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Neptune & Venus Swooning

The blue king of dreams has gotten under Lady Love's shimmering skin. Whimsical and distracted, delirious and desiring of... what exactly? In the litter of hearts and flowers with the dark moon shadow falling our way, it is hard to be definite. And that is just how Neptune likes it, all the better to let his glamour cultivate what plays behind the thinning veils.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Pisces Hangover

Common as it is on Monday to feel like your get up and go already got up and went, this week is a nebulous path. Hard to get all the way into fast as it drags its feet over the new lines.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Depths Are Calling

Welcome to the deep darklings, as the sun leads the charge out of the gates of Aquaria. Venus will follow into Pisces next week though the vibe of the dive remains distinctly Aquarian. Not drowning, transmogrifying.

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Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Glitching Delicious

The glitching is almost delicious as Mercury and Neptune, space and time, solar flares and the Schumann resonance ripple and warp. As though the multiverse has set its sights on a spluttering earth and all kinds of mighty forces have come out to play. Together making for a continuing unprecedented adventure into the roaring twenties.

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Pisces, Neptune Kerrie Basha Pisces, Neptune Kerrie Basha

Pisces Sightlines

The sun's plunge into Pisces is our latest initiation point. Now we dive into Neptunia. Pisces is our shamanic sight line, the domain of peak emo as barometer and compass.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Initiation Rites

With changeling as our default setting these heady evolutionary days, we are becoming adepts with zero time for naysayers and non believers. Today again holds quite the shift, all the better to prove our nonplussed adaptability and maintain momentum. Both of our cosmic luminaries now take centre stage. Together they glide through the powerful anaretic degree of the sign they depart, to stand tall at our next initiation point.

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Full Moon, Pisces Kerrie Basha Full Moon, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Cosmic Layer Cake

The icing on this week's cosmic layer cake is our impending full moon on the rise, and it's not even Wednesday yet. Her blazing gaze, magnified by proximity and purpose, peaks at the begin-again point in the house of the divine feminine healer. Initiation and medicine for a new life finding its feet.

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Chiron, Pisces, Aries Kerrie Basha Chiron, Pisces, Aries Kerrie Basha

Graduation Class of Chiron In Pisces

Having spent years wailing and fighting, surrendering and accepting, the matrix is already rippling with your healing. In 2010/11 when our greatest cosmic teacher moved into Pisces, we were forced into deeper water and given little choice but to begin our life's greatest education. Today we graduate from Chiron University, with our sights on dancing post grad horizons.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Lure of Danger

That thing. Dangerous, they cry. That doing something different and strange and right like it hasn't been before. Versus everything you think you know up until now. Doing it anyway, your future a greater lure than your past.

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Mercury, Pisces Kerrie Basha Mercury, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Mercury in Pisces Magic

If you are mainlining ripples of dreamy fluidity and drifting melancholia in the matrix, you are well tuned in to the music of the spheres. Last Sunday Mercury dived deep into Pisces where our winged messenger will remain submerged until early April. His long surrealist soujourn will include his first retrograde of this year, just a fortnight away.

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