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Aquarius Kerrie Basha Aquarius Kerrie Basha

Aquarian Anaretica

Though it is not long now until the sun leads the charge into Pisces, these final hours in Aquaria plant us all at its anaretic degree. Cue the scrambling and tangents, strike up the complicated circus band and open wide the water bearer's floodgates.

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Astrology Kerrie Basha Astrology Kerrie Basha


Anaretica. The sharp threshold of change whose lore is unequivocal. Whose true name is destroyer. Whose point of no return drags fate over its falls. The bleeding edge of resistance, teetering at its own inevitability. The moment right before everything changes forever.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Pisces Waiting Room

You have arrived to the Pisces waiting room and all that bobs patiently in its fertile pond of dreams. Here we sit in odd solitude biding time and tides and waiting for the big change we feel coming deep in our marrow. Bones worn weary by a world chewing its own arm off in spite and a revolution of the species that will no longer broker refusal.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Capricorn Damning

Today in the middle of storm and consequence, an important meeting is transpiring. In a world slavishly built on the false altar of eternal life and endless youth, the refused shadow curls around our ankles like a snake. Anaretica, thy name is transition. The fabled degree at the end of all the mansions holds change in its palm, throwing open a back door into something entirely different.

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Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha Capricorn, Mercury, Pluto Kerrie Basha

Pluto’s Power Glitching

The strange ripple in this day and the one after is more than the constant glitching of what once was matrix. It is something beyond regular programming and far below its cause and effect. And it has Pluto's spiny fingers all over it, tickling underbellies and shadows out of hiding.

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Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde Kerrie Basha Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde Kerrie Basha

Square Dancing

It is shaping up to be a wild weird weekend in paradise, darklings. A curious combo of square dancing, head clashing and skittery scattiness that could drive even the sanest to shouting. Can you keep your wits about you in a world gone stark raving? You'll know soon enough.

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Aquarius Kerrie Basha Aquarius Kerrie Basha

The Final Strains of Aquaria

The final week of Aquarius is a strange beast indeed, a wonder to wrangle and find your new place in. The water bearer spends all week ushering you towards the reflection of your future self, delivering a deft holy trinity to cement her ascendance.

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