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Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha

A Tale of Two Weekends

This weekend tells a tale of two cities, distinct in form and function, beholden only to their sphere of influence. You probably already know which is having its way with you and all in your sightlines by the stark difference in experience.

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Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha

Pisces Depth Dive

As Aquaria's wake leaves a trail of stars for us all to collect later, Pisces season rushes in to drag us over its falls. This year delivering inexorable evolution through eclipse and retrograde, threshold and dissolution, its riptides already pulling us in. The ides of March have the old world in their thrall already as its extinction lip curls and snarls.

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Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Venus, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Neptune & Venus Swooning

The blue king of dreams has gotten under Lady Love's shimmering skin. Whimsical and distracted, delirious and desiring of... what exactly? In the litter of hearts and flowers with the dark moon shadow falling our way, it is hard to be definite. And that is just how Neptune likes it, all the better to let his glamour cultivate what plays behind the thinning veils.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Pisces Hangover

Common as it is on Monday to feel like your get up and go already got up and went, this week is a nebulous path. Hard to get all the way into fast as it drags its feet over the new lines.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

The Lure of Danger

That thing. Dangerous, they cry. That doing something different and strange and right like it hasn't been before. Versus everything you think you know up until now. Doing it anyway, your future a greater lure than your past.

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Pisces, Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis, Eclipse Kerrie Basha

All The Post Eclipse Feels

Post eclipsia can be overwhelming at the very best of times. So much fast paced change, all those heartquakes and headphoons and a finish line that resembles virtually nothing familiar. Tis a lot to choke down, let alone to do so underwater. Cue Pisces season to switch us from stewing to marination.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Submersion

Last weekend as vital part of the post eclipsia change of state, the sun claimed his place in enchanted Piscean waters. He was joining Mercury, Chiron still weeping, our lady of love Venus and chief shaman and ruler of Pisces, Neptune in deliciously deep blue. Here may we submerge ourselves gracefully (or artlessly if that's all you have left) into the everloving waters of possibility and highest potential.

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Eclipse, Leo, Pisces, Full Moon Kerrie Basha Eclipse, Leo, Pisces, Full Moon Kerrie Basha


We are deep in the zone of the next pretty pair of eclipses. Our full moon in lovely Leo this weekend is a lunar eclipse and the new moon in Pisces' mystic river at the end of Feb is a solar eclipse. Notorious for their ending / begin again two step, eclipses also ripple along particular astrological axes and always ping the prior pigeon pair.

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