Mermaiding Towards Retrograde

The overture and the undertow of our impending Mercury retrograde is already being deeply felt. In a climate of manoeuvering and misinformation, Merc's first rx offers nebulous antidote to a world in the throes of revolutionising itself.

It begins on the bridge of sighs between Sunday and Monday. We are each and all about to be transported on a magic carpet ride undersea. We will explore what lies beneath ulterior motive and intention, diving for the treasure barnacled and buried in our oceanic depths. More than a trick of the light or mere mental contortion. Beyond hysterical hive minding and its soporific stupor. A depth charged bespoke elixir that gets your tail a-flippering as you catch fresh currents in your tresses.

This transit nourishes the soul as much as it refreshes your browser. In Pisces it rewrites our personal mythologies and whispers enchanting new tales. Its confusion by design exercises deep muscle we didn't know we had and navigates unfamiliar emotional territory. And in a world reinventing itself and reclaiming its trepidatious future, your soul's role in the collective evolution is as vital as every other.

Beware the siren song of anaesthesia, the filthy lures and bedevilled distractions that always bob on the surface. Red herrings dart about us this next month, their off course shimmering designed to tantalise, tempt and tangle. They never constitute a meal. Their consumption will only leave you starving and railing against the empty calories. Don't waste your precious time in this enchanted rx realm.

Exist on a diet of divination. Chew on the poetry in motion and dance with the shadows. Let yourself be moved by the currents, fearless and free from the same old shackles whose leaden loving never saw your best float to the surface. Barter breathlessly with the denizens for their potions and follow the old hag home to her cave beneath the sea. Stare unblinking into the scrying mirror and watch the ripples contort reality to reveal what lies beneath.

Prepare to dive, darklings.

I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.
~ Anais Nin

Every diver knows calibration is key. Readings to balance and fill the tanks on offer throughout Merc's mad season. DM to enquire or book in and let’s dive together.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


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