Art by Eugenia Loli
We are deep in the zone of the next pretty pair of eclipses. Our full moon in lovely Leo this weekend is a lunar eclipse and the new moon in Pisces' mystic river at the end of Feb is a solar eclipse. Notorious for their ending / begin again two step, eclipses also ripple along particular astrological axes and always ping the prior pigeon pair.
The eclipse season was our September issue last year. For so many / the world at large, the journey from then to now has been fraught with bowel shaking change, calamity or catastrophe, lightning shifts that have lit us up, days of doom and despair too - all shaken and stirred in a simultaneous cocktail we've largely labelled A Lot To Take. Despite how tough the going has been it has galvanised and forged us, forcing our hand yet schooling our notions of control, shattering our delusions and rudely removing our anaethetics, creating very real change that cannot be ignored.
As eclipsia tightens the screws, the muggles are freaking and yelling (or just sledging others on Twitter at 3am ). Still spinning the wheel in the blame game, all sound and fury. Avidly and avowedly not learning. Avoid the lesser gods at all costs and do not allow nostalgia for days long passed to drag you backwards.
Watch instead for anything, anyone, anyway that can be sacrificed on the cosmic altar that is a lunar eclipse. Let the significant moon magic at play charm the living shit out of your life. Literally. Tis time to eclipse yourself. Make ready.