Dark Moon Flaring

An incendiary dark moon descends over us all now, its pull to rest and recalibrate at odds with broiling revolution. If you needed an omen for the eclipse season incoming, the days between now and the Pisces new moon will likely deliver it. Try not to baulk when it lands like a bomb, like a blast of past angst, or dripping in blood. The gloves have actually always been off.

The fully loaded Western world has long cultivated a self serving myopia that operated as soporific smokescreen. A lattice of more convenient truth that we could dangle smugly from as all manner of social contracts masked evil schemes to hoard power, money and resources. This is how the West was won foreverever, its brutality nailed to plaques on all the walls built between confected us and thems.

Which mylk would you like with that again?

Deep in all bodies now, revolution will not let us rest. Deep in our hearts, courage calls us to confrontational edges that will not sink below these whipping waves. Anger channelled properly is the activism that begets change and it has always fallen under the warrior's domain. Check your Mars over a latte and scrawl your plans on the cup.

As the stars align above us and the matrix of civility glitches all the awful truths, do not look away. What rises now from the cracks - in your life, in our worlds, from the pavement beneath your burning feet - is mana from the future. Its discomforting imperative is the only way to get there. This year is making sure of it.

Not all moons are created equal. This dark turn is fertile chaos that sets the scene for all that is to come. It will conjure shades the likes of which we have denied as our own, shadows that will not let us rest. Pay attention. Hatch your plans to overthrow all you thought you could absorb. Be very clear in your intent to unmuddy the waters we wade through now. Eclipse season will handle the rest.

Dark Mooner this Thursday as prelude to the Pisces new moon, the stars aligning and eclipse season. Knowledge is power, darklings. Tune in to vaster currents to divine your path and part in the play for humanity. Join us live or later, darklings.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025


Forward Motion