BOHOMOFO | Author ♰ Shadow ♰ Tarot ♰ Channel ♰ Coven

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Capricorn Damning

Art by Dariusz Zawadzki

Today in the middle of storm and consequence, as everything galloping begins to pick up momentum, an important meeting is transpiring. Its effect will be felt rippling through our marrow, whether we tend our endings well or not. In a world slavishly built on the false altar of eternal life and endless youth, the refused shadow stretches long behind us curling around our ankles like a snake. Attrition always begs a seat at the table. Death pulls out the chair with a knowing smile.

Anaretica, thy name is transition. The fabled degree at the end of all the mansions holds change in its palm, throwing open a back door into something entirely different. And it is here that Mercury finds our dark lord surveying the chaotic landscape of the old world, its fire and brimstone now burning all its old houses down.

Pluto's dark arts are formidable, reshaping our world since 2008. In the final throes of his time in Capricornia he is ensuring no old stones are left unturned. We have borne witness to an ongoing reveal of the horrors behind the wizards' curtain. Staring mute or howling anguished is no longer enough. Pluto's price is power and taking yours back from their clutches is his long game.

Mercury is the psychopomp who constantly dances us over the thresholds of past and future. He craves our movement beyond the muck of what once was through shifts in perception. Now whirling beyond his long retrograde that muddied the start of this year, with his sights firmly set on Aquaria and its fresh air.

Today may bring endings that were long overdue. Reshuffle puzzle pieces that were never going to snap together, or flip the table entirely. Let chaos reign until the dust settles into new corners or slips beyond through the open door. The way out beckons with a tantalising smile and demands you pay life's eternal toll.

The beginnings and endings of all human undertakings are untidy
~ John Galsworthy

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2023