Mercury in Aquarius Flamboyance
Harry Styles and his Aquarius stellium: Sun & Merc & Mars & Venus
Merc finalised his Capricorn dance jiving with Pluto to discuss revolution, propaganda and the dark arts. Those winged heels have sent him soaring over the border into the water bearer's ground zero.
Aquaria and its new age is where all the questions live. Unusual solutions are not limited by convention or expectation. Independent thinking is lauded as the true god it is. Mercury ensconced here elevates our minds and comms, expands possibility and informs any burgeoning intention for this wild year with an inventive twist.
The Aquarian mindset marches to its own distinct beat, damn handy when jungle drums are beating hive mind instructionism to keep you fearful and far from homegrown nouse. Merc's quickstep through this tangential terroir isn't about trading everything you know. It is for making sure that's not all there is by presenting inspiring new points of view for us to weave into our ways.
Merc in Aquaria is curious and ponders the biggest, most intractable quandries. A fan of the unheralded and the bizarre, curious tangents lead us into unchartered territory and left field brain expanders that fire synapses and imagination. Beyond giving any crammed headspace room to move, Merc bathing in the water bearer's wisdom opens doors to hidden chambers in our minds. From here new vision will emerge, just in time to tether to the next new moon.
You've got time. Let the lightning strike as inspiration shimmers. Find new ways of processing this otherworldly intel. Cultivate deeper understanding through debate rather than simply dismissing its merits. Muse on alternatives. Discover what lies on the frontier beyond accepted thought.
Knowledge is anything but common. Genius is peculiar, rarely making sense to anyone else when it comes calling. Cultivate your weird and pay attention to your why. Allow your mind to be blown open and watch your world follow its lead.
We have a right to change course. I take pleasure in my transformations.
~ Anais Nin, her Merc in Aquaria
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2023