A Leonic Eclipse

Image via Pinterest, artist unknown

By now the bizarre magic that is the core competency of eclipse season has its claws in your life. It ramps up from here. Feel the door to that cage of yours rattling as the entire structure starts to swing.

Our lunar Leonic version of the species is less than a day away and in my little corner of the conservatory, temperatures are rising in every sense. We are diving into a wave of searing heat, irritation and inconvenience as outmoded power grids shudder and our mod cons struggle to conquer the sheer force of will that is an unrelenting sun. And so it is for each of us this passage through eclipsia.

It is this same ball of fire that rules the lion's domain. A Leo full moon shoots us straight to the beating core of our hummingbird hearts, where there is naught but the truth: of who we are and of what we ardently desire to be, have, make, do. Caged by our ribs, our wounds, our fears and often cloaked in our shadow, our hearts forlornly cry freedom and all too easily ascribe the prison to others and their evil deeds. The best self serving steaming pile of an idea there is but one too often employed (or deployed) to mitigate our unwillingness to shift, to learn, to grow up and into ourselves.

Cue agitation. The lightning strikes twice this eclipse. Maverick changemaker Uranus is zapping us with tangent and uncharted possibility, illuminating new paths forward. Eris, queen of discord and strife, is hurling bolts of chaos to make certain we have to move. Both blast our cages wide open and proffer glimpses of alternatives, if we are willing to take the leap and trust that our wings aren't clipped.

Are you ready to take flight? Leo rewards courage and leadership, courts high drama and demands nothing less than personal sovereignty. All of which are particularly difficult to come across from within our cage. Time to take the leap or be pushed.

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.
~ Maya Angelou

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2017


Oh Catastrophe

