Leo Moon Hair Magic

Image of Catherine Deneuve (her moon in Leo

A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.
~ Coco Chanel

What better time to enact revolution in your world than the Leo full moon phase, officially the best lunar window for a New Hair Reality. Because let's face it, when something enormous has to shift we often start at the top to refresh brainspace and visage, craft reinvention and cultivate change.

Our hair is more than just a reflection of our good health, virility and fertility. Great hair has a power and magic all of its own. For centuries, hair has held spiritual power in its strands and many religious rites have been associated with lustrous locks. In some cultures long hair brought you both closer to earth and closer to God. In magic, hair contains the essence of a person and is thus a supremely powerful ingredient in spells.

Our hair is akin to personal antennae. It drapes itself around our crown chakra and our connection to divinity and spirit. A hair helmet offers formidable protection, both containing and concentrating our energy. Drastic haircuts are a documented response to trauma. So very much can be divined about us via our hair.

When I reflect on the largest transformations in my life, all have been accompanied by a Significant Haircut. One that hauled me from the version of myself I was uneasily occupying and wrenched me into a fresh reality I did not recognise. We become accustomed over time and life unfolds in tandem.

Changing your hair is powerful magic not to be sneezed at. If you world is crying out for a shake up, this Leo full moon phase is officially the best lunar window of the year to take the plunge. Change your hair by design and your life will follow suit.

Consider thy great new hair portal to transformation open. Chop chop, darklings.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


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