Saturn Says

Sci-fi art by Lucian Rudaux, 1972.

At home in his Aquarian coat of stars, Saturn meets the Sun at the sabbat midpoint for their annual tête-à-tête. Their revolutionary congress rebirths our relationship to the good work of this moment and our lives, as avant guardians of a new world.

In ancient times before the outer planets came into human consciousness, Saturn was the ruler of both Aquarius and Capricorn. The skygod of time, structure and authority with a foot in each camp; his right on the solid ground that holds those limits exalted and his left in rippling currents of rebellion against their constraints.

Saturn's commitment and discipline is unquestionable and unwavering. Steadfast determination gets results. Solid structure is the architecture of our every dream, conferring shape and form that endures. This plays nicely with a fixed signature that seeks steady new frontiers upon which to build.

The Aquarian imperative is no rebel without a cause. It seeks progressive change that broadens, widens and deepens the status quo - or dispenses with it entirely. Saturn's sage understanding of resilience, endurance and longevity gives our revolution legs. Father Time shifting his gaze from past to future and setting us all to the task.

Saturn in our lives is far more than a taskmaster though this influence feels harsh when you refuse its imperatives, loudest at Saturn returns. A teacher with a firm hand, well thought out curriculum and steely disdain for cutting corners, Saturn's tenure in Aquaria until 2023 asks us each and all to take responsibility for our part in the revolution of humanity. We must leave the past behind, crafting futuristic foundations that supercede history.

As the Sun and Saturn put their holy heads together, their combined current from Aquaria blasts electric sunlight over our world. Its fuel will ignite the willing or burn those still stuck in the muck of the old world. Their conjunction underlines the reset of the lunar new year and all planets in direct motion. It calls us unequivocally to our new works in progress and sparks reborn commitment to the doing.

The path to the future is only ever made up of the steps you take today.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2022


Stunning Forward Motion


The Union of Opposites