Pisces Auroras

Image by Gill Dayton in Tasy last night

More than a week into the mythical mutable realms and we are being relentlessly dazzled by the skies of the farthest reaches. Auroras have been blazing across a wide band from both poles, even further afield since Pisces arrived promising the next big things.

Its glyph reflects the earth's energetic flow and our body's too, twin coils that cycle in multiple directions continuously. The solar flares that hurtle towards us from the sun's effusive love are mighty magnetic forces that arrive to these twin gates roaring.

Aurora means to bring the dawn. Earth's pretty pair are named for the gods of the winds that deliver them, Boreas in the north and Auster in the south. Wild forces come calling, conjuring beautiful chaos that cannot be predicted nor prejudged. Shimmering and darting in technicolour exclamation that defies the modern dismissal of myth and magic.

Pisces season conjures the lot. The twin fish deal in multiplicity and change, slippery little suckers that play hard to catch and whirl in wild opposition. The tug of nostalgia and the lure of hope. The hazy promise of oblivion and the transcendent wonder of presence. The pull of gravity and the escape of all it holds us to, eyes swimming to dance the light fantastic.

By all invented accounts the last day of the season claws at us from its threshold. Behaviour is programmed to shift and it frequently does. But a truer turn sits further away yet, down by the equinox at the far end of these deep seas. On the other side of the virgin's moon we will tumble over Pisces' great falls to be initiated once more. Cycles will reset, life and time will rebirth and everything will change again.

For now we are all little fish swimming in different directions towards the next season. Practicing sympathetic magic and simultaneous pole dancing. Our north courting conception and blossom as our south embraces attrition and decay. Time skipping as our souls rush and tumble through the breach. The skies dancing at the wonder of it all, bringers of the dawn.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2023


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