Saturn Transits

Collage Art by Maya Land

As we wait with bated breath for next Tuesday's significant shifters, it is all too easy to get ahead of ourselves. Haul fraught minds and willing bodies across borders prematurely in an effort to project ourselves into the future and bypass any clear and present discomfort. As usual, Saturn's not having a bar of it.

Saturn's move into Pisces less than an hour after the Virgo full moon exacts next week is undeniably a big deal. His anaretic squat in Aquaria has been keenly felt, its heavy weight reinforcing the themes of the transit while nodding to what lies just across the border.

Our cosmic taskmaster so often gets a bad rap because there is no hiding from his significant influence on our lives and too our worlds. Saturn is Father Time, the firm hand in the small of our back that constantly marches us towards our own developmental thresholds, ensuring our soul's evolution and enshrining our life lessons. Each of our big personal Saturn returns deliver maturity and understanding that adds to the getting of wisdom this life offers. They take the time they take and leave no stone unturned.

Full disclosure, darklings: I am a rabid fan of a good Saturn transit. They get results and you earn every bit of the return. Saturn works in cahoots with our akashic record, our karma and dharma, our past and future lives. Saturn is all the way across our evolutionary markers in a way we can usually only fully grok in hindsight.

And so in the Coven Electric we are examining the bones and all the bits that comprised Saturn's dance through Aquaria. Using the significant markers of his very deliberate movement from Capricorn through Aquaria since 2020 to craft a wholly bespoke understanding. So to integrate the pattern he has weaved through our lives and the witch's mark left upon us.

You are welcome to join us. This good work requires naught more than memory and intuition, insight and a willingness to throw the bones. Or if you are all about that forward thinking today's Full Mooner was a preview of Saturn's ingress into Pisces as well as the powerful influences at play next Tuesday. Both are now available to you, DM for all the glorious details.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2023


Dark Moon in Aquaria


Pisces Auroras