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Aquarius Kerrie Basha Aquarius Kerrie Basha

Aquarian Anaretica

Though it is not long now until the sun leads the charge into Pisces, these final hours in Aquaria plant us all at its anaretic degree. Cue the scrambling and tangents, strike up the complicated circus band and open wide the water bearer's floodgates.

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Holy Days, Folklore Kerrie Basha Holy Days, Folklore Kerrie Basha


January 6th rings on the calendar as Epiphany. Its roots far more ancient than the Christian celebration of the Magi who followed a star. Far more seditious than storming the capital of ailing empire. Far more prophetic than either lets on. Ancient wise ones scryed these past twelve omen days, throwing bones in darkness to deliver cryptic keys and clues to the year ahead, falling like snowflakes brief and silent.

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Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde Kerrie Basha Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde Kerrie Basha

Square Dancing

It is shaping up to be a wild weird weekend in paradise, darklings. A curious combo of square dancing, head clashing and skittery scattiness that could drive even the sanest to shouting. Can you keep your wits about you in a world gone stark raving? You'll know soon enough.

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Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Glitching Delicious

The glitching is almost delicious as Mercury and Neptune, space and time, solar flares and the Schumann resonance ripple and warp. As though the multiverse has set its sights on a spluttering earth and all kinds of mighty forces have come out to play. Together making for a continuing unprecedented adventure into the roaring twenties.

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Pisces Kerrie Basha Pisces Kerrie Basha

Pisces Initiation Rites

With changeling as our default setting these heady evolutionary days, we are becoming adepts with zero time for naysayers and non believers. Today again holds quite the shift, all the better to prove our nonplussed adaptability and maintain momentum. Both of our cosmic luminaries now take centre stage. Together they glide through the powerful anaretic degree of the sign they depart, to stand tall at our next initiation point.

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Full Moon, Pisces Kerrie Basha Full Moon, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Cosmic Layer Cake

The icing on this week's cosmic layer cake is our impending full moon on the rise, and it's not even Wednesday yet. Her blazing gaze, magnified by proximity and purpose, peaks at the begin-again point in the house of the divine feminine healer. Initiation and medicine for a new life finding its feet.

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