Dark Moon Balsam

Collage art by Sara Shakeel

We have officially entered the balsamic phase or the deepest dark of the moon. How well you dance through your darkness is the scene setter (and greatest determinant, in this witch's opinion) of how effective your new moon will be. And this next new moon in a few days - a solar eclipse and the lunar new year - is a Very Big Deal and the mightiest this year.

Dark moons are spectacularly starred for decluttering on all planes, letting go on any scale from light relinquishing to total banishment and deliciously deep rejuvenation. But of course, they rarely present that way. They can creep up on you as exhaustion, overwhelm or meltdown, which can obscure their magic. They are often accompanied by floods of tears, crying as a universal release of whatever you are holding in. They hurl us deep into our own shadows. For those unfamiliar with their own darkness, the best way to cope is generally projection or blame, a tedious addition to overwhelm. Muggles and dark moons are rarely easy company.

Dark moons demand you take your foot off the accelerator and decode your denial. They ask you to soften and slow all that you do. Should you align with their mighty magic, forgive and let go what you can, you are rewarded with shimmering insight. Here lie the clues to your New and the early indicators of what may come. If you are out of whack or too busy running around like a hustling finger pointing maniac, you will miss them.

My blog has a category entirely devoted to the delicious dark of the moon. My book baby Eclipse-A-Tron is fairly stuffed with dark moon self-care, survival tips, ritual and spellcraft and you can Pay What You Want from her via my shop. The resources are but a click away, darklings.

Dark moons aren't always easy, but then anything worth having is worth working for. If you are going to begin at all, this is a great time to start. Everything is first formed in the dark.

Words © Kerrie Basha, 2018


Nodal Shapeshifting


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