Another significant change in the cosmic choreography of this mad season as Neptune turns retrograde today and the clouds of illusion rupture. Their dissolution - and ours - over the months long period of Neptunia's revision will aid the overriding imperative of this year: to see the whole truth of our world, revolting on the edge of evolution.
Precisely because perception is reality, spin masters and hardy narcissists hang on to their ill gotten gains as their smokescreens confuse and confound. But now, in the face of so many curtains ripped back, their snake oil glistens in the sun and their fake news stinks of self interest. This transit spells a slow mo demise of showmen, charlatans and one trick ponies, aiding and abetting the revolution and not before time.
It is not all that is dissolved by our cosmic shaman and his strange magic. The invitation to move beyond egoic posturing, stubborn resistance and the same old lies we tell ourselves will materialise on repeat. To truly inhabit our soul skin, we must shed the ill fitting and flaky scales we have glued to keep others placated. The how and why will be constantly whispered to us through our dreams, journeys and the untramelled explorations of our vast inner space.
For the briefest moment, while Venus still has her back turned stationing for the last days of her retrograde, Neptune's rx delivers a cold clarity to the forty days reconsideration of our values. With our delusions rattled and our illusions clearer, the toxic love game is up. No longer may we abandon ourselves to its rotten fruit nor trade ourselves for love at any cost. Complete her good work with a solid revision of porous boundaries, the kind that let in disrespect and weaken personal power. If you cannot stand up to it for fear of consequence or loss, it ain't love darkling but something far more sinister.
Neptunia in reverse gear tips regular perception on its head and tickles our magical and visionary underbellies. Intuition is your personal compass and the depth charges that arise from within will sing your way home to your soulself, all hands now required on deck.
"Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces."
~Sigmund Freud
Image of Dali as Neptune and Gala as Venus by Charles Hewitt, 1955
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020