
In a world of future focused hustle and grind as trembling control freaks and obedient capitalists continue to blindly map a hypothetical path beyond pandemonium, retrogrades offer powerful medicine. They are the cosmos' rear view mirrors, affording us the reconsideration and revision that comes with hindsight and a pause button.
Currently there are way more planets in reverse than forward gear. We are at our mid year tipping point and the fulcrum of this eclipse season, beginnings and endings reforming the landscape. Review is the path to integration, bedding in the learning on offer from your life to date.
You can only identify your patterns and conditioning by looking backwards and within. Hindsight trades the heady emotion at the time for a less reactive and broader understanding, the more tender the better. For those attending retrograde school, your class plan includes a dazzling array of rx revision.
Pluto rx in Capricorn from late April until early October.
Exploration of your shadows and underworld via a fearless reconaissance of your death valleys. Retrieving the fragments of yourself you abandoned in your grief or pain.
Saturn rx in Aquaria / Capricorn early May until late September.
Hunting structural fault lines. Derubbling and reconditioning to shore up your life foundations. Knighting your inner authority.
Jupiter rx in Capricorn mid April until early December.
Unlearning the lies that passed as education. Uncovering new ways to alchemise experience into expanded consciousness.
Venus rx in Gemini for the last forty days and stationing today.
A heady revision of your values system through twin lenses of shadow and light. Decoding desire. (Self) love doctoring.
Merc rx in Cancer mid June to July.
Healing childhood wounds by marrying thoughts to feelings. Building that first language fluency.
Neptune rx since yesterday and until end of November.
Losing your illusions. Connecting to your soul's vision. Dream diving.
Aligning to our cosmic imperative is worth its weight in the stardust that shimmers in your cells. Your rear view window is wide open. Back the truck up, darkling. Retrograde school is still in and ponying up the goods.
Art by Eugenia Loli
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


