Slow New Year
My year rarely takes a newly discernable shape or form in January simply because the calendar says so. The new year new me exhortations, the compulsory vision boarding and manic planning are up there with the singles / diet / detox ads that suddenly choke our world. They are about as useful as drunken midnight resolutions and can make us feel just as ordinary the next day, loading up our plate before we have even had time to digest last year.Worst of all, they demonstrate just how much we have disowned or disavowed divine feminine flow, in order to live in a world built on other imperatives. So just how do we begin to unskein ourselves out of the shapes and ways that never fit properly? And what is this nebulous divine feminine that lives curled within us all?It is that which is beholden to none other than itself. It does not bow to arbitrary numbers on a calendar or a clock but makes and takes its own sweet time. It has faith in its own cycles, married to the moon and beholden to its own seasons. It honours the holy trinity of life, death and rebirth and crowns none above the other. It muses and rests, walks and wonders, nurtures and nourishes. It sleeps and dreams, allowing an expansive inner space to shoot inspiration like stars into us. It watches and learns, focused on process not result and would rather dive deeper than swim faster. It doesn't want to hustle or manipulate or control. It knows this game isn't a race. And in a world still built on time and money, it takes singular focus and dedication to inhabit, as often and as deeply as you can.This year so much of the astrology is designed to tip us from yang to yin, as our world too undertakes its overdue rebalance. It will require a divine marriage of fierce grace and structural integrity. All of our compassion and understanding and a very real willingness to occupy the space beyond wrongdoing.So as you begin, softly and slowly, to collage the shape you may take this year be guided by yourself alone. By She who lives within us all. Trust your instincts, your intuition, your innate knowing. If now's not the time, don't force it. Simply wait until that green light in your heart switches back on. Art by Lisa MoralesWords © Kerrie Basha, 2017