Rebel Rebel
Rebel leaders, your planetary spirit animal Uranus is no longer retrograde after many many months that may have had us feeling out of whack, in deep shock or worst of all, not knowing exactly where or how to plant our freak flags.Uranus is the ruler of Aquaria and rebel armies everywhere. Built on tangents and lightning transformation, Uranus shows up in our charts future focused. Seeking the peculiar magic that lives inside each of us, Uranus will relentlessly shake us up until we begin to inhabit it.As an outer planet, Uranus orbits are long. These placements are generational. Its return in our own chart occurs roughly every forty years and can often precipitate the garden variety mid life crisis that shows up when we have traded us for them, letting our dreams and desires fall by the wayside.Uranus shooting forwards in Aries is our ultimate rebel leader, ready to blaze trails and fearlessly resist any and all attempts to stymie our evolution. Strikes me that this is precisely the medicine for a world whose death stars are in need of exploding. If any are lingering in your orbit, use this change of direction to alter yours.We now have an entire galaxy in forward motion for months to come, looking to us to follow their lead. As above, so below.A woman's place is in the resistance~ Hayley Gilmore for Princess Leia's everywhere© Kerrie Basha, 2017