When Mars Attacks Urania
Vintage photography from Pinterest
You know by now darklings that I never send you hurtling towards potential astrofuquery without a strategy. Our twisted firestarter is throwing his significant weight around this week. See post below for why this isn't a terrible thing. See list below for what to do when Mars attacks.
First things first, keep your shirt on. Probably your pants too. Losing thy shit rarely helps the situation or hustles the outcome. It does frequently make a bad day worse. For everyone involved and all their confidants. Breathe. Pause. Count to five hundred thousand.
Not working? Remember anger is your ally. Use it instead to start a revolution. Find the others. Start marching on the palace.
Fight fire with water. Most angry people feel hurt or afraid, unheard or unloved. Kindness is miraculously disarming, a spell all of its own. Often the hardest button to button, it is frequently met in kind. That's not an accident of language.
Enact defcon five boundaries and hold your line. Any breaches are a mark of disrespect. Note well.
Be extra careful. This is the sort of energy that makes for accidents, explosions and drama. Keep your wits about you, your eyes peeled and your hands upon the wheel. Cultivate safety.
Many pages of Sun Tzu's seminal Art of War are devoted to the disconcerting magic of retreat. Removing thyself from the fray is a strategic move. Journeying within guarantees you encounter less fuckwittery in your travels. Book your dark moon bolthole three weeks early and have Amazon drones drop The Art of War down the chimney.
Channel the fire into the good work of your life rather than wasting it as hot air. Mars makes for vaulting productivity. Focus your laser beams on empowering your passions, fuelling your chutzpah and getting shit done.
It's not them, it's you. See everyone else's shit for the red herring it is. The door into your shadow is most often hidden behind a total arsehole. Weird but true.
Do something different. Mars chest bumping Urania is designed for you to learn how fast. In case you are still confounded: DON'T do or say the same thing you have before. Do. Something. Different.
Mars equals agitation. Use it or lose it, all this week.
Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019