Left Turn At Mars
Collage art "Left Turn at Mars" by Peter Horvath
This week is a warm up in every sense with Mars dominating the outer reaches of Aries. Next week we enter a period of epochal change overflowing with once in a lifetime seismic shifts. The kind that tilt worlds and herald revolution. But first Uncle Mars is having his way with us, offering the kind of life coaching that is low on saccharine and heavy on imperative. All the better to set a fire beneath us.
Mars as myth is a curious creature, Mars as man even moreso. The truth is Mars occupies a prominent place in all of our charts, an inner planet who determines why and how we take action. Our energy and desire alike take their shape from the portion of the sky Mars occupied when we were born.
As mythological warrior, Mars went to war to fight for his ardent principles or to restore peace. He embodied righteous anger and used this formidable power to enact necessary change. He remains the emblem of virility and icon of the positive masculine as provider, father, hero. Mars is vital force, that which propels us through our life.
This week kicking around the tail end of Aries before he leads the charge into Taurus, he overtakes Urania to carve a path into the changes on all our horizons. He stands shoulder to shoulder with our galactic awakener, which could feel like a vicious poke to those still slumbering. He squares off with Pluto, a chaotic encounter if you are floundering or sans clear intention. And he winks at the south node as he implores us to leave the old ways behind.
If you are mired in the past, stuck in the quicksand of stubborn resistance or fighting for an army long disbanded, this week will get you hot under the collar. If you know or love anyone matching the description above, your patience will be sorely tested. Avoid any angry ants or usual suspects hankering for a fight.
Turn your attention instead to the anatomy of your vitality and how responsive it is to the world fast shifting around you. Look well to Mars' retrograde last year and all you learned. Let the fire catch your passion and set your desires ablaze. Strap yourself in darklings and get your motor humming.
Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019