Taurus Mooning
Collage art by Eugenia Loli
If your get up and go feels like it got up and went, you have the deliciously sensual Taurus moon to thank. Built for long lay downs on the couch, good books and movies, fabulous food and slow dancing... when the Bright Lady hits the realm of the bull she's all about the pleasures of the flesh.
If we lived our life by the moon, this phase would mean a day or two off with compulsory picnics and bodywork, where a deep soak in a scented bath was de rigeur and staying in bed with a good book / mate was actively encouraged.
If life keeps happening to you anyway, steal some long moments to get grounded. Step outside and lay down on the soft earth. Curl your toes in grass or sand or sea. Watch the sky darken then twinkle. Breathe in deep lungfuls of the natural world. Bathe under slow silvery moonbeams. Rest. Laugh. Love.
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2015