Mercury Rest-rograde
Photography by Tim Walker
We are in the final throws of Mercury retrograde, with the messenger planet just about to station before he shunts forwards again at the end of this week. This is the period where everyone breathes a sigh of relief with the end in plain-ish sight but do not be fooled just yet, Bohemians. The stationing point of the retrograde is where the greatest snafus are possible, probable even.
This Merc rx in Aquaria has created a surreal landscape, full of change and delay. The past has popped its long gone head up more than once or twice. And with Chiron, the wounded healer who seeks to make peace with our damage, waltzing between Venus and Mars, our tender hearts have been tested as our feet scramble for solid ground.
If at all possible the next few days are built for rest and recognition. We are heading into a dark moon that asks us too to go to ground. Bring your awareness to your web and take time to rest within it. The world will continue to turn and turn again, as time moves us along without seeking our agreement. Take long moments now to get your house in order before the mad rush of late February, when our dance cards will be full and our minds busy. You can slow the pace during the dark moon and use this drowsy whirl to nourish and restore beautiful You.
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2015