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Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha Pisces, Nodal Axis Kerrie Basha

Pisces Depth Dive

As Aquaria's wake leaves a trail of stars for us all to collect later, Pisces season rushes in to drag us over its falls. This year delivering inexorable evolution through eclipse and retrograde, threshold and dissolution, its riptides already pulling us in. The ides of March have the old world in their thrall already as its extinction lip curls and snarls.

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Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha Mercury, Neptune, Pisces Kerrie Basha

Glitching Delicious

The glitching is almost delicious as Mercury and Neptune, space and time, solar flares and the Schumann resonance ripple and warp. As though the multiverse has set its sights on a spluttering earth and all kinds of mighty forces have come out to play. Together making for a continuing unprecedented adventure into the roaring twenties.

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