Tales of the Leo Full Moon

Whirling beneath the full moon…

Last night I found myself wandering back through time. I lay my body down to sleep and my soul slips out to set sail on the old currents that still sometimes lap at my shore.

I found myself standing in a little front garden I once called home in a tiny town on the edge of reason. In the company of all I had planted and buried there, old magics still humming beneath soil and tears.

I ran my fingers along the time marked shingle that had once welcomed me home and held me safe through all that wild weathered life. Traced my eyes over its pitch and fall and the woman, younger and so dangerously tender, who once lived and longed inside it. When I peered through its uneven glass, I saw it was no longer mine. At once I felt the lost lingering parts of me return, weary ghosts whose yearning finally found their home again in me.

A friend told me once that I left so much of myself in the places I had loved. Now I find myself calling these keepsakes back from their old worlds. Welcoming their overdue return like lost lovers. Tucking them gently in after too long wandering, abandoned to a dream I couldn't let die even after it had taken its final breath.

I woke to the future rumbling under the crescent moon. The old pillars a relic of what once passed as power no longer holding sway over me. Felt new dream seeds quicken in my belly as the rain washed my windows clean. Spied fresh flowers blooming in the garden that now calls me home.

Tale of the Leo full moon, She who holds me in her thrall
Words C. Kerrie Basha, 2022


Full Moon Afterglow


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