Full Moon Afterglow

Collage by @artbydavidarms

More often than not, the afterglow of the full moon delivers its message. Insight arrives once its fever pitch has peaked, the lunacy subsiding so we can feel into more than its blazing gaze. Hindsight ponies up perspective unavailable in real time, whose value lies in quiet contemplation.

Though she was instantly void of course as soon as she peaked Luna soon drifted into Virgo, sharpening discernment and our ability to parse the proceedings. We see the cross drawn on the ground zero of our lives and wonder at its angles. The opposition of sun and moon in Aquaria and Leo. Overlaid with the opposition of nodes in Scorp and Taurus. Each challenging its counterpart and its neighbour as X marked the spot.

In star lore, the grand fixed cross is a portal that renders us a vehicle for the expression of the divine. Provided we can forge a union of opposites, between heart and head, between past and future, between individual needs and collective evolution, between shadow and light. We marry these polarities to bring something greater than just ourselves, bearing the wisdom of the water bearer and the personal sovereignty and leadership of the lion. Treasure lies buried in our efforts. Opportunity knocks on its axis.

Life is bending towards growth and away from the attrition of decay. As we push into the virgin territory of a braver new world, we cannot wait to be led into a promised land nor blindly swallow the old stories as guidance. We must write them anew ourselves, from a place of fresh understanding married to critical thinking and constant un/learning.

The kindly sextile between Urania and Jupiter, exacting now in the shadow of the full moon, hands us the pen and sprinkles inspiration all about us. Opportunity flashes for those with the courage to take the leap, follow their intuition and expand possibility. But you must be willing to forego conclusion and surrender stomped foot expectations or fingerpointing. No guarantees, traded for no limits in the lifechanging blink of an eye. The choice has always been yours.

Who dares, wins.
~ from an old Arabic fairy tale

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2022


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