Full Circle Tarot
Album Art: Full Circle by The Doors, 1972
As a tarot reader I will forever be enchanted by what the cards reveal. More than the answers to your most vexing questions and beyond their ability to sniff the future on the breeze.
This month's curious phenomenon is one thrumming beyond each individual and the story weaved into their life. It links people in far flung places and every different stage of being a grown up. A throbbing undercurrent tied into this relentless evolutionary imperative.
It is a sense of uncanny completion.
Things are coming full circle.
January just gone was for so many interminable resolution of a year before that tested us sorely. It pushed us beyond what we thought were our limits. And out there on that ledge we found strength and resolve. We touched our courage and tucked it back into our quivering hearts. Turns out you learn an awful lot when life has you dangling by the ankle and screaming for your brave new world.
Not even a fortnight into February and we have seen out eclipsia and welcomed in the moon's new year. Still, epochal change dominates the near horizon. In the next week Chiron departs Pisces for Aries. In the next month Uranus departs Aries for Taurus. Our healing and our awakening in the spotlight and there can be no shrinking from it.
The full moons are rising at zero degrees of the signs, an initiation and a begin again. They have been preceded by so many planets perched at the anaretic or final degree of an astrological house. This is the point of completion, a heady vexing place that forces us to examine all we have learned and pluck wisdom from its eyes.
Look to the circles forming in your life. The links back to time long past and the people that once inhabited those lost places. The sense of crossing those start points again, older and wiser and further along. Spiralling beyond those perfect circles to this place, right here and now.
Until the full moon I am offering Completion Readings for us to peer into this curious phenomenon and how it is playing out in your life. To craft uncommon sense from what is revealed. To let the cards whisper the trajectory you are now on. DM for online appointments before purchase. Readings, pricing and timing here, darklings.
Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019