Elemental : Fire
In just about every culture and tradition humankind has crafted, fire is a powerful transformer. Beyond an elemental requirement for life, fire is a cornerstone of ritual and rebirth. Fire creates and destroys, cleanses and purifies, balances and reclaims us as sacred. Smoke from flames carries our sacrifices and desires to the gods themselves. Fire is mesmerising and consuming, demanding our attention and respect.
In our bodies, the fire element is our digestion and our desire. Both translate and transform and nourish. In astrology we look to the fire signs whose chutzpah is searing and dazzling in its effectiveness. In each of our charts, we zoom in on Mars to understand the nature of our passion as an element of our power. He meets Urania today at the incendiary tale end of Aries and their conjunction commands transformation by fire.
This is a wake up call. No matter who sparks your tinderbox, it is your future self clamouring for your good attention. Do not trade your soul for the flamethrower, whose irritating calling card will soon putter out.
Today your life is going to hand you fire and ask you what you would like to do with it. It may not come with a warning or instructions. It may flare or leap at you unheralded. It may singe or burn you if you do not handle it properly or throw your own fuel upon it. But like most transformers, there is far more to this than meets the eye.
Claim your flames as sacred. They light the path forward and dance in tandem with your fledgling steps into unchartered territory. Do not let yourself be contorted, distracted or consumed. Control your passion and your power and direct it to its best use. Yes this is both test and initiation. Dig deep to find your flying colours.
What matters most is how well you walk through the fire
~ Charles Bukowski
Words c. Kerrie Basha, 2019