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Year of the Snake Kerrie Basha Year of the Snake Kerrie Basha

Snakes Alive

In the brackish space between old and new, something else entirely emerges. Minds slavishly entrained into neuroconformist norms devour the details without thinking. Aligning hungry spiritual innards to the next trending thought field, without pausing for even so much as a nanosecond to consider what it actually means to them, for them or their worlds at large.

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Year of the Snake Kerrie Basha Year of the Snake Kerrie Basha

Snakes and Ladders

Snake is a sign of transmutation, of change, of shedding your skin to reveal something new and wonderful. This change can manifest in our lives in much the same fashion as the snake sometimes appears to us – fearsome, unwelcome, unheralded. When snake medicine slithers into your life, you are undergoing a period of transformation. You’re probably in it right now

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