Snap Crackle Pop Prelude
Photography by Tim Walker
This wild week arrives with an unmistakeable snap crackle and pop that will only ramp from here as we bound towards the Leo full moon roaring. More than expecting the unexpected from the already surreal, the next round of storms are designed to alter us forever. Radical by design, their power coiled inside shock value and sudden irrevocable change. Every little notch there is no going back from.
The architects of the next few days worth of chaotic galloping evolution are Mercury and Urania, squaring off from foot on the foldback fixed signs. Merc in Aquaria in chaos magician mode, blasting fresh frequencies and novel perception through all our channels. Urania in bullish revolutionary mode, shoving sustainability agendas to evolve or die thresholds with shock and awe, amplifying the screaming need for urgent innovation or change. Yes everywhere you look. Now challenging each other - and all of us and everything - to defy impossibles through ingenuity. Inspirational stuff if you aren't completely fritzed or fried, lost in shock horror fatigue or not match fit. But there is no let up, just a rolling need to find a way to take this world to heart and let it change you.
All these freqs blasting like lightning is prelude to our fabulous Leo full moon midweek, whose call of the wild always stirs courage from Aquaria's surreality. She deals in heart currency, a radiant love frequency that is generative. Yours is strongest when authentic, aligned to soul and circumstance, the one you can't fake nor inhabit. You can only ever be it, radiating out to meet even the most batshit call of Aquaria demanding nothing less than your sign of the times.
So isten for your lionheart roaring and truth ringing out. Let the lightning strike. Don't flinch or squeeze your eyes shut at the sizzle and the sulfur. Instead watch intently what this way comes, emerging from blazing moonlight.
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage
~ Anais Nin
Full Mooner // Leo Edition this Wed
Astro • Channel • Journey
Full Moon Readings, Rites and Spells all week long
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025