
Thank you to the kind women that nominated me, to whom I privately expressed my resistance to this "challenge". Perhaps I was missing the point and failing to see what it aided. So I decided to find out what it was actually all about and thanks to Clementine Ford now I know. The challenge began in Turkey to draw attention to both their appalling femicide rates and the laws currently being enacted to protect men from prosecution. For the murder of women. Let that sink into our pretty portraits for a moment.
So today I donated to the women's shelter that helped me to navigate the police and judicial system in this country, while blindsided by DV. That's why I don't tend to post photos of myself. None of us ask for this shit. It was an awful lot to handle and these wonderful women supported me unflichingly. I donate because my picture doesn't change anything but putting some money where my mouth is can make a difference to someone in that same leaky boat.
To everyone who posted a B&W I see you. And raise you, to consider taking an action that does more than simply signal support. We can donate to local women's shelters. Or volunteer time, skills or resources to women in crisis. We can keep challenging our local, state and federal politicians on domestic violence issues and raise many voices against its vile scourge. I call on men clicking like to stand as allies by considering the same.
Statistically one in four women endure the horror of domestic violence. That means someone you know is suffering right now, perhaps in silence or shame or terror. You never think it will happen to you. Reach out to her and offer her tangible non judgemental support. Even if it just a listening ear. Let her know she isn't alone.
We can choose to do something to help create change. Something more than just posting a token photo.
Words and pic c. Kerrie Basha 2020


