It is difficult to adequately convey the moment when the formless seeds and begins to take shape. This is conception, borne of dark spaces and the union of opposites. The chaos of creation in the safe comfort of the womb, its vessel to eventual birth.
Many new cycles begin with today's new moon in Cancer at her initiation point. Here she fully eclipses the sun, the feminine stepping in front of masculine, the great mother holding the world's messy rebirthing in her cosmic womb. Everything begins in her dark.
This north node eclipse is future focused. And though its actualisation is many moons away yet, new life and ways of living are being seeded now into our ground zeroes. It is our old ways and means we are spectacularly eclipsing as the ring of fire above us reflects this painful crowning.
And occurring now in a way that refuses our modern need to claim or categorise, to control and conform. Give up this folly and waste of precious time. The river of change is the emotions coursing through you. Your first language of feelings whispers shouts the way. Damming it will be at your peril. Redirection or projection is the child inside of you, needing to control to escape from feeling unsafe. Still the tsunami looms, regardless.
Our next new moon will also be in Cancer, at her anaretic degree once this mad season is in our rear view mirror. This Cancer moon cycle is thus indelibly pivotal and potent, our mid year tipping point between solstices and epochs in human civilisation. Conception of what is still to unfold happening within and without, above and below.
This powerfully magical day, know this. The journey to wholeness is internal. There is no higher currency than your feelings, no greater guidance than your intuition. You are the one you have been aching for all these years. Mother and lover, friend and advocate, rebel and renunciant.
Recommit. Rededicate yourself. Devote yourself once more. Begin afresh as the moon makes new and the world stills in awe of her eclipse.
Art by Viktor Bregeda
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
Conception sessions on offer for the Cancer moon cycle. What are you seeding in your life, your community and your world? Combining astrology, channelled guidance and shadow work to clear perception and enhance alignment. DM to book in, darklings.😘


