
If you are beginning to feel your head just above water, you can thank Mercury's recent move into Aries after the longest time in the wavy Piscean waterworld.
Thanks to his first rx adventure Merc's long swim with the fishes took on the prescribed mythological dimensions. We were sunk by our illusions of what our world spun on, drowning in disinformation and shock news, flapping in a sea of agenda and ulterior motives that all came at us like a tsunami. By its end it truly felt like a Sith lord had been handed the keys to a surreal new kingdom and put Dali in charge of PR.
Merc now blazing through Aries breeds a blessed new self sufficiency on the mental plane. Information becomes clearer as does motive and manipulation. You will see it plainly and feel it in your gut. Conspiracy theories begin to have credible legs beyond their routine tin foil dismissal. Critical thinking is the new superpower as conflicting agendas - at home and abroad - vie for our favours. Like warriors we dig in for the long campaign ahead.
Ideas are now inspired by these strange new circumstances as Merc's winged heels on fire help us to pivot and leap. Inspiration is fresh and childlike, the kind that rejects the old school boomer mentality of control without consequence. No point trifling with fear of failure at ground zero. Unfettered and spacious, brash action follows thought and is bold and assertive. So to build our brave new world.
Beware blunt force conversation, sharp tongues like swords and me me me points of view. As we adjust to new ways of communicating and working, we must employ a new mindfulness to what slips so easy from our fingers into fixed text boxes. We are yet shifting humanity here and aiming anew to have no one fall through its cracks. Or ours, darklings.
Merc's time in Aries may well find us eyeing a fresh harbour. We are now mentally predisposed to things we haven't done before, promising an unexplored treasure island of possibility. The trick is to let the rising tide raise all your little boats.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.
~ Plutarch
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
Image via creative commons
Ground Zero readings for the emerging paradigm. Cultivate your personal revolution with a session to dive into your dreams and desires, shadow and light. You have time. If you were waiting for a sign this is it, darklings. DM to enquire or book in.


