A curious day in the cosmos darklings, after a weird weekend in Neptunia. Christ on a segway, this year is nothing if not determined to revolutionise. Make a note, if you have not already. You have to take respite as and when you need it. There is no window coming. Scheduling is the secret to peak self care. And tres Virgo, as this moon's mood dictates.
She is indeed a supermoon in every sense of the word. Close, large and powerful. The urge to surge is undeniably raising tides and tempers, fanning the frenzy of a world that seems to be peaking early anyway, on repeat and all by itself.
This next tipping point arrives in the midst of quite the cosmic cocktail, which accounts for the shaking and slurring of emerging truth. Mercury stationing to end his rx, ever a confounding shunt this time with added Aquarian shock value. Neptune's annual meeting with the sun which could have gone either way, but likely involves shamanic insight and epic delusion wrapped together in a riddle. Ain't nothing like a blind spot. Meanwhile in Taurus, Venus taking tea and talking turkey with Urania as the two wrestle values and sustainability on all levels in a world imploding. All arrows pointing to change.
This full moon is virgin territory, a much misunderstood notion co-opted by the church for their chaste mother figure. An oxymoron right from the get go, managing to perpetually obscure its true meaning. The emblem of Virgo is the virgin but this sacred virginity has nothing to do with sex. Virginity is personal sovereignty. The virgin is she who is beholden to none other. Who maintains a steady loyalty and commitment to herself, first last and always. She is a common sense sage whose boundaries are clear and plans are well thought out.
Virgo is pragmatic, this practicality a foil to the Piscean oceans of emotion and general astroclutter. This Virgo lunar imperative offers cut through clarity, like a ship steaming through a foaming deep. How that feels depends on whether you are the ship or all at sea. And whether you have your hands on the tiller of your own life.
If you're not sure the next few days will show you. In no uncertain terms and by the light of the silvery moon.
Stunning oil painting 'Super Moon Lord Howe Island' by Ian Hansen
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
Coven witches, your full moon raven has been sent including a simple powerful ritual dedication and call to sovereignty. All welcome to join our community of kindred at www.patreon.com/bohomofo