
As those in power do their level best to stoke the fires of pandemonium while calling for calm through chattering teeth, we have reached yet another opportunity wrapped in viral crisis. Get used to this dynamic, the hallmark of both revolution and this paradigm shifting year.
Each time you will have a discerning choice to make. You will be required to enact greater levels of critical thinking and do your own research, the kind of open minded investigation that takes you beyond your algorithmic echo chamber. You will need to manage your panic and nourish your nervous system so you can make good choices that support the thriving evolution of you and yours.
Now is the time to learn, if you have not already, how to care for your own health. People know more about the maintenance of cars or computers than they do about their own bodies and minds, which is patently ridiculous. Wellness is not a buzz word nor a modern concept. It is an absence of disease on all levels. Holistic systems treat the whole person as an interwoven body, mind and soul. Energetic medicine knows that your biology reflects your biography. All this information remains freely available to you in books and online. Doctors are not gods: they just got educated. You can too.
Wellness is maintained by a healthy immune system that has been divinely designed to fight off viral marauders and infectious intruders. Learn how it works, what supports it to do its job and how you can bolster its resources. Make friends with vitamins and minerals, they are your body's building blocks. Cultivate herbal allies. My go to - for decades - has been colloidal silver. Find yours through research and testing on the animal that needs it the most. You.
Understand that food is the very best medicine, free from chemicals and grown in well nourished soul. Your backyard and balcony can produce a pharmacy of your own. Start growing it today. You can imprint seeds with your DNA and they will raise themselves to suit your particular needs.
This is ancient technology that works because plants and people are symbiotic. We play with this magic a great deal in the coven. Plant consciousness contains a wisdom far beyond its poor imitation by our governance and media. Tune in and learn.
Sustainability is more than maintaining a post modern status quo. It is worlds beyond recycling and a reusable coffee cup. It means becoming self supporting, tending to yourself and the corner of the world you inhabit. Your participation is required in the cycle of life. Strut on in.
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020
In the Bohomofo coven, we work with moon cycles, plant and crystal allies and align ourselves to mighty forces. A combination of spirituality, activism and connection, all welcome to join us for just ten clams a month at www.patreon.com/bohomofo


