Mercury Direct

Trumpets please! Mercury has just gone direct in Sagittarius, so you'll have to whip that off your Things To Blame Right Now list and bump the festivus feeding frenzy up a place. Rather it is time for feet to be removed from mouths, our tech comms to resume normal programming and carefully crafted plans to reinhabit their former glorious guarantees.In truth though with Merc still traversing theshadowzone for the next couple of weeks, we are not out of the retrograde woods just yet. In fact the cosmos is re-engineering itself for the rebuild that 2018 will entail so there is no rush to shunt forwards. Instead take the holiday you need from the galloping imperative.Our communication planet dancing backwards through the Saggilands - the original inventors of no filter (in any sense) way before Photoshop was a faux twinkle in a digital eye - has backed up a brutal Scorp season by proferring many a grand reveal. And let's face it, whether by hook or by crook (or by retrograde) the awful truth can be tough to digest. Knowledge remains power so peel those glittering eyes and watch closely to see how the info you gained through revision and tangent alike has formed a new, clearer picture.Our planets may travel over old ground before doubling back but a retrograde never leaves us where we started. Saturn's sombre toning may mean that your revisionist adventure has left you feeling heavy, weighed down rather than lifted by what you have discovered. The truth smarts sometimes but remains one of the strongest foundations there is. Build upon it for best results.That's a wrap for Mr Merc this year, each of his four retrogrades in fire signs (though two started in grounding earth signs) highlighting a collective requirement for an authenticity upgrade. A bullshit free zone that mainlines our passion and gifts rather than trading our truth for lesser gods.So what are you going to do with this hard won wisdom and clarity? Something to muse on over the next few weeks before we begin again. No rush.© Kerrie Basha, 2017


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