Quarter Moon Groundhog Day

If you look up tonight you will see a perfect quarter moon. If you peer around your life, you may well see a disquieting repeat of something that causes you to feel the crisis point said to accompany the quarter moon. And if it is not news and you have seen both before - many, many times - you may feel your head about to blow off or your jaw clamp or just a peculiar hopelessness that despite all claims to the contrary, nothing is going to change.Insert big sigh here.Tucked within every single crisis is an opportunity. To learn something. To try another approach. Or to make the kind of change that halts Groundhog Day in your life. Unlike our hapless hero, the chances to get it right are not limitless and the actions you take carry consequences, likely revealed at our upcoming behemoth of a full moon in Gemini.With the moon snuggled up to Neptune in Pisces forming a square to our galvanising Saggi sun, the potential for delusion is epic. See through the bullshit. Don't buy the same old same old that you know means little will change. Look for the healing that Chiron has been pointing to all bloody year. Take a giant leap towards your brave new world today. It is time to take the broken record off repeat.The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result~ Albert EinsteinImage of Bill Murray from Groundhog DayWords © Kerrie Basha, 2017


Me Too


Thanksgiving Chiron