New Moon in Libra
The new moon in Libra is here though we may still slumber. As Scorpio season begins to cast shadows and the dark moon implored us to do less, so too may we wish to lie down and squeeze our eyes tightly shut to a world built on euphemism and control.Too late. The fat cats are out of the bag and the awful truth cannot be unrevealed. Wherever you have been hiding or playing small - or worse, living far too large and weinsteining your way about a playing field fast levelling - the shake up isn't about to stop any time soon.Uranus plays a significant role in a lunation that traditionally poses questions of our relating and invites us take a new approach to who and how and why. With Mercury joining Jupiter in Scorpio right next to the new moon, our secrets are being uncovered and writ large. All the better to even the score. As cosmic awakener, Uranus often takes a devastatingly effective shock and awe approach. Change can be sudden and shocking but then alarm clocks are never set to gently tinkle if we need to get straight up out of bed.Awaken your sleeping giants before mighty forces do it for you. We are not as set in stone as we think: just attached to what we know and terrified of the changes that awakening may bring.This new moon in Libra, make a commitment to greater transparency in your relating. Honour those you are connected to in this life by giving them the Real You. The need to hide away is being usurped by a far greater good. The world needs your magic and people need people to witness and be changed by it.Here lies the next tipping point. Let the dinosaurs fall off the edge as you centre yourself on the see saw. It is only by finding and holding your spot you can hold balance.But first, you must be awake.Image: I spied this slumbering giant as we travelled north yesterday, clambering across cane fields to photograph him and hear the story from an old Fijian farmer (and his goats) of the spirits that lie in this rocky mountain.Words © Kerrie Basha, 2017