Trust Issues
One of the great beasts we battle throughout life is trust. Who to trust. How to trust. When to take another into our confidence. How to know and get it right. Another of life's cornerstone clangers that we all too often learn the hard way.When we find it hard to trust those around us - with our feelings, our innermost secrets, our hearts - it is sometimes pointing to a lack of trust we may have in ourselves. And when self sabotage gets dressed up as a way of coping with or anaethetising our pain or shame, it is even harder to get to the core.Much like boundaries, we often think we know how trust is built - until it is smashed. We get sick of chalking it up to experience or learning the hard way and shut our hearts down. This clip on the anatomy of trust by the wonderful Brené Brown is the best I have seen. It is long but it may just be a life changing twenty minutes and after the week that was, well worth making the time.😘