Full Moon in Capricorn : Transformer

It doesn't matter how you look at it, the full moon in Capricorn is built on transformation. In Native American tradition the full moon in July is the Buck Moon, named for the time of year when the bucks grow new antlers, their fresh velvet demonstrating both their age and evolution. In both the Hindu and Buddhist tradition this is Guru Purnima, a festival culminating around the July full moon that pays respect to our spiritual and academic teachers, celebrating their guidance and presence in our lives. It is also referred to as the thunder moon and certainly our lives have been rumbling.And why all this drama and hubris and fuss? Why now has it all come to a head forcing the volcano to explode? Our major planetary players have lined up to form a cardinal T square, astrospeak for agitating change: the kind that forces growth whether or not you think you are ready, willing or able. Capricornia is built on your vaulting ambition, your steady progress to your lofty goals and good solid structure. You will know by now who is with you and who is obstructing your path. Ideally you understand the very real need for good boundaries to ensure and enshrine your journey. Capricorn can feel dour and relentless but that is only magnified if you are resisting the siren call of your soul to get on with the good work of your life.The Hawaiian islands are built and reshaped, over and over again, by this magnificent energy. By fire and molten rock that explodes into the sky before it falls into the sea, steaming and settling into beautiful new forms that rise as mountains, soon covered in verdant growth and blooming with life. Most all transformation has a bittersweet quality as it forces us to kick out the crutches and stand on our own two feet. Get yours on solid ground and under her blazing gaze, knowing your support crew on the other side are standing close. The path is now clear as the peak beckons and whispers to you of your beautiful becoming. Start moving towards it, emboldened and empowered beneath the graceful light of the full moon.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.~ Lao Tzu© Kerrie Basha, 2017


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