Truth Bomb Fallout
As the tide now recedes after last Friday's Saggtastic full moon, you will undoubtedly know two more things than you did as she began to peak.The first regards your moving target. No matter the prize your eye is on, the blazing gaze of la luna will have revealed to you a brilliant alternative possibility. Perhaps a seamless tangent, maybe an unconsidered path, most drastically a total revision of the end goal itself. This handy information adds flesh to your creating, allowing you to hone your focus as you expand your dream.
The second - and darker partner in crime of the first - is an aspect of your life that is not only not working but is actually, constantly and supremely tripping you up. And although there will probably be some other person / place / thing to point the finger at, the awful truth is that is lies within us: a toxic enabling that holds us stuck deep down inside, harbouring the potential to derail all the carriages. You know it. You saw it, even as you tried to turn away. It isn't really news and it isn't shrinking away from the moonlit spotlight flung upon it. Best acknowledged in truth, if a little bitter to swallow.The moon now waning in Aquaria for the next two days or more will gift us the fresh eyes and kooky futurist mindset to digest both, pulling the lens out and drawing our focus to the bigger picture. The full moon in Sagittarius always barks at us from the book of unholy revelations and we are wise to heed whatever truth has been revealed. For the next few days just let it sit and settle upon you, keeping yourself neatly seesawing between the two poles, letting the noise in your head around each fall away. Note well what remains.Art: Patron Saint of Truth Twice Removed by Jasmine Worth© Kerrie Basha, 2017