The ides of March deliver this year's most transformational astrology in a year built on vastly changing tides. Our first eclipse of the season arrives with the lunar eclipse of the full moon in Virgo. Cosmic nitpicker or ruthless revolutionary? A choice that remains yours to make. Under the rulership of Mercury stationing to retrograde and join Venus travelling backwards through Aries incendiary territory. In syzygy with the Sun in Pisces sandwiched between Neptune and Saturn at the far end of the zodiac.On the new nodal axis of service and spirituality as wayshowers to the new world.
This eclipse promises big things for us and our world, holding all of our futures in its grip.
Eclipses are a dance of shadow and light, conjuring both from our depths. Replete with endings and beginnings, mayhem and magic alike, eclipses offer us a regular reset button. In a world crying out for fair reset and fresh solutions, this Virgo full moon gives us all a chance to eclipse old ways and means. New possibilities glimmer for those with the courage to switch from past to future focus.
Join Kerrie live on Zoom on Thursday 13th March at 9am AEDT (Sydney time) to peer deeply into the wild currents at play in our world. We will be diving into a round up of this new axis of influence. Featuring astrology and moon lore, eclipse history and prophecy, shadow and light, this event offers a path to navigate these powerful forces as they have their way with us all.
For over a decade, Kerrie has been writing and speaking and teaching eclipse lore, as path to deeper intimacy with the soul self. Join us live online or, if the time does not work for you, receive a full video and audio recording at the conclusion of the event for you to listen to at your leisure. Beyond the format of our regular mooners this event will also include a Q&A about all things eclipse, so please bring your questions with you - or feel free to email them prior to the event.
Tickets are here, darklings with a small clutch reserved at witches mates rates for Coven members.