Venus through the Heart of the Sun
Art: Remorse by Salvador Dali, 1931
Venus in her twin skin arrives at a crucial juncture in her retrograde today. Our lady of love is reborn through the heart of the sun in Gemini as our collective shadows finally catch the light. So may we eclipse our old ways and means in tandem with our lady of love as she transitions from evening star to morning star, bringing her significant blessing to new dawns everywhere.
Her cazimi, a beautiful Arabic word for todays's cosmic choreography, means that our tiny planetary goddess of love steps across the face of the sun and in a stroke of magic, perspective and symmetry appears momentarily to cover his blazing. This total eclipse of the heart is a clarion call to our personal value system. It asks us what really matters, in our lives and in our world. Our screens big and little are shouting it as loud as possible. Only the ignorant or invested turn away.
Even if you missed the memo from decades ago, the personal is political. How you do one thing is how you do most everything. It is a constant reflection of what you value, how you uphold it and frames the architecture of who and what you love and cherish. Venus in her Gemini cloak of stars has been deep underground dancing in these shadows and is emerging today, incandescent and grief stricken all at once. As are we, all around our heaving world darklings.
The purpose of retrograde is to revise, to rework and to regenerate tired old systems that serve only their masters and consume all else. Check if that includes you. Venus retrograde 2020 style has been far more than a rework of relationship territory. It is beyond tending to just your own heart. We are called to participate in the mending of our world and its evolutionary rebirthing. You signed up for this.
Venus' cazimi is yet another chime in the revolution as we build towards an incendiary full moon eclipse in truth bomb territory this weekend. We are ratcheting towards both another breaking point and the blessed release of what used to get a pass. Not no more. The call is loud and clear. So may yours be.
The true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love
~ Che Guevera
Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020