Leo Moon Roaring

Art by Emilia via Pinterest

The Leo full moon is always a call to our wild. A standing invitation and warm welcome into the place of courage and creativity that lies within us all. Too many are educated right out of this place by a terribly modern broken world that spins on careless power and mindless control. Taught how to think and act and be. Hammering hearts and hopes traded for a conditioned servitude to a life that refuses personal sovereignty.

But aren't you free? To roam and to frolic, to hunt and to feast, to love and to live deeply. Are you not the master or mistress of all you survey? Just when was it that you gave up or broke down, stewed and settled and handed over the keys to your kingdom for a one way ticket to Kickatinalong. It is too easy in a revolting world to feel helpless or hopeless, struck dumb by grief or despair. To fret at the storm and forget how long you prayed for rain. To miss this roaring moonlit kiss because all you see is clouds. That rumble isn't thunder, darklings. It calls from within.

The Leo full moon arrives well announced to nuzzle weary hearts and inspire monotone minds to look beyond a limited reality. It boldly calls us to a noble nimble sovereignty, as monarch and architect of our own lives. It reminds us that to rule we must remain beholden to our sweet self and our lionhearts: first, last and always.

It isn't about what your crown is made of or how those smugly smoothing their emperor's new clothes might scoff. Their butt naked day in the sun will come soon enough. This marvellous moon is for meeting the courage that lies within, the strength of your heart as generative centrepoint of your existence.

Use this fabulous full moon window to get reacquainted. To find the joy and pleasure that is always yours for the taking. To seek out new kingdoms and horizons. To seed and muse and create. All it takes is a little courage and some moonlight.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
~ Anais Nin

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2020


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