Fortune Among Chaos

Art by Sol Luckman of PJ Harvey from her Good Fortune era

What if, in the middle of dystopia and poppycock and all the braying noise of the world, fate yet took you by the hand smiling? Stopped you right in the middle of what you weren't really doing and turned your head just so. Enough for you to sigh and spy the beautiful blindfolded goddess staring you down, the horn of plenty in her outstretched hand.

Luck be a lady by the wheel with senses well beyond this mortal coil. Fortuna favours the brave and the foolish, those who run life's capricious gauntlet with a rose between their teeth. Who will risk the limb for the fruit and their hummingbird hearts for life's wildest prizes. It is their faith in life itself that confers hope and ripples with possibility, most days of regular weeks. A belief in what you cannot see, which makes it indistinguishable from magic.

The Aquarian tether to The Future not quite in sight is weaved of similar starstuff. Yes despite all contrary appearances in the ever present. The burgeoning next age - and all of our next things - spring from the relentless inculcation of hope. An unwavering belief in what we cannot yet make out but can conjure. As blind as fortune and just as lucky.

Fate takes hope by the hand. The light takes on a different hue. Probability can outwit even the sourest pessimism, resparking joy almost by accident. Easy connection crackles and pops by itself.

Good fortune could arrive in a cup of coffee or knock unexpectedly at your front door, the order of the day. Things may take a fast turn the right way, when you're not looking or even holding your breath. Myth mingling with magic and finding an aperture to wink through at you.

Keep glittering peepers peeled and fingers crossed. Let yourself have it, gleeful. If we must be careful what we wish for, why wouldn't you hope for the best?

Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me...
Anything can happen, child.
Anything can be.
~ Shel Silverstein

Marry your magics to wild times and fortunate windows alike with us in the Coven Electric.

Words c. Kerrie Basha 2025


Same Old Straya Shinola


Sun Pluto Aquaria